

Affiliated Entities Policy

篇文章中,我. Corporate Authority and Bylaws

第一节. The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University, a body corporate and politic, 根据《newbb电子平台》第3337章,特制定本章程,以规范其活动.

第二节. No Bylaws shall be enacted, 修改, 或废除, 除非获授权投票的董事会成员以过半数(5票)投票通过, 然后,只有在提议变更的三十(30)天后通知所有成员. 

第三节. The Board shall comprise nine trustees and two student trustees, 均由俄亥俄州州长根据第3337条任命.01 of the Ohio Revised Code. The Board shall also include two national trustees, one regional trustee, 以及newbb电子平台校友会董事会主席或其指定人员. 理事会应任命一名国家受托人,自7月1日起任期一年, 2010. 理事会应任命一名国家受托人,自7月1日起任期三年, 2010. Thereafter, both national trustees shall serve terms of three years. 区域受托人应由理事会任命,任期从10月开始, 2021 and ending on June 30, 2024. Thereafter, the regional trustee shall serve a term of three years. 

第四节. 由总督委任的九名受托人享有投票权. The two student trustees, the two national trustees, the regional trustee, newbb电子平台校友会董事会主席不得对董事会事务进行投票, 但我们将积极征求他们的意见和建议,并欢迎他们参与董事会的审议.

第二条. Officers of the Board

第一节. Officers of the Board shall be as follows:

  1. 椅子
  2. 秘书
  3. 财务主管

第二节. The 椅子 shall preside at all meetings of the Board, and unless otherwise directed by the Board, 有权任命所有常设委员会和专门委员会的成员并补缺. He or she shall serve as 椅子 of the Executive Committee. Subject to these Bylaws, he or she shall fix the date and time of all regular, 特殊的, and emergency meetings, 并履行与主席职务有关的其他职责.

第三节. The 副, in the absence or incapacity of the 椅子, shall assume the duties and obligations of the 椅子.

第四节. 秘书应保存所有董事会会议的记录,并应迅速将副本分发给所有董事会成员. 他或她应负责有序地保存与董事会业务有关的所有记录,并应履行办公室惯常或主席或董事会行动指定的所有其他职责.

第五节. 财务主管负责学校的财务管理工作, including supporting budget preparation, the preparation of all officially required financial reports, management of investments, coordination of audits with auditors, including federal and 状态 auditors, overseeing relationships with financial reporting agencies, 以及董事会或总裁一般或特别指派的所有其他财务责任.

第三条. Election of Officers

第一节. 主席、副主席、秘书和司库每年由董事会选举产生.

第二节. 主席和副主席的任期均为一年,并可连任. 秘书和司库有资格每年选举这些职位,没有年度限制.

第三节. In the event of a vacancy in an Officer position, 董事会应从其成员中选举一名继任者,以填补空缺任期的剩余部分.  

第四条. The President and Presidential Duties

第一节. 在相互诚信的基础上,任何合同关系都指向持续服务, 大学校长根据其就业协议的条款,每年选举产生.

第二节. The President shall attend all meetings of the Board and shall, in an advisory capacity, have a voice in its deliberations. 他或她有权在董事会会议上发起任何议题.

第三节. 校长须就大学的行政及纪律事宜向董事会负责.

第五条. 会议

第一节. Regular 会议. The Board shall hold no fewer than five (5) regular meetings a year, 按照第二条的规定确定日期和时间. 第二节.

第二节. Special and Emergency 会议. 特别会议和紧急会议可应主席的要求或三(3)名董事会成员向秘书提出的书面请求举行.

第三节. Notice of 会议. 秘书应在所有定期会议和特别会议至少提前五天通知所有董事会成员和总裁,并在所有紧急会议至少提前一天通知所有董事会成员和总裁. 所有会议均应按照修订法典第121条的要求发出公告.22. 任何人都可以决定所有定期会议的时间和地点以及时间, 的地方, 及所有特别会议的目的,请联络大学传讯及市场部或上网查询

第四节. 出席. 根据《newbb电子》第3条的规定,董事会的政策是要求全员出席董事会和委员会的所有会议.17和3345.82. 缺席会议的理由应至少在会议前两(2)天通知秘书. 违反俄亥俄州法律的持续不合理缺勤应列为原因, at the pleasure of the 椅子, 向俄亥俄州有关当局报告该等违法行为.

第五节.  Remote 出席. In accordance with Revised Code 第三节345.82, trustees may attend Board meetings via electronic communication, subject to the following requirements:

  1. A trustee shall attend in person at least one-half of the regular meetings of the Board annually; and
  2. 所有使用电子通信进行的会议应符合以下最低标准:
    1. 出席会议的受托人应当有三分之一以上的人亲自出席会议; 
    2. 当任何有表决权的受托人通过电子通讯出席会议时, all votes taken at the meeting shall be taken by roll call vote; and
  3. 受托人如有意以电子通讯方式出席会议,必须在会议召开前不少于一星期通知主席该意向, except in the case of an emergency, as determined by the chair.

受托人如以电子通讯方式出席会议,将被视为出席会议.  为了确定法定人数,投票受托人也将被计算在内, and may vote at the meeting.  For purposes of this section, “electronic communication” means live, audio-enabled communication, as further defined in division (A) of 第三节345.82 of the Revised Code.

第六节. Quorum and Voting. Five Trustees appointed by the Governor, (“有表决权的受托人”)应构成执行董事会日常事务的法定人数. 选举或罢免董事长须经六名有表决权的受托人的赞成票,通过董事会的任何其他决议或行动须经五名有表决权的受托人的赞成票.

第七节. 议程. 秘书应与各常设委员会主席协商,然后为每次例会准备拟议议程. 提议的议程应提交总裁审阅,然后提交董事会主席最终批准.

第六条. Standing and Special Committees

第一节. Standing Committees of the Board, consisting of no fewer than three (3) members each, 由董事会主席每年任命或任期较长, 各常设委员会应就下列各项政策事项进行审议,并提出建议,供董事会采取行动:

  1. 学者 and Student Success
    1. Responsibilities will include the academic plan; enrollment management; student affairs and life; intercollegiate athletics; diversity; 研究 and technology transfer policies and activities; information technology; communications and marketing; academic appointments; promotion and tenure policies and procedures; academic program reviews; and awarding of degrees. 职责还包括监督教育质量和参与度, student 成功 by reviewing programs, accreditation, 努力创造一种不断提高学生成绩的文化. The Committee will also review metrics for and evidence of quality, 成功, and affordability to inform Board decisions regarding governance, policy and strategy.
  2. Audit and Risk Management
    1. 职责将包括监督内部审计职能, annual or other periodic audits of financial operations, 向校董会提出委任外部审计公司的建议, 收到内部审计师和外部审计公司的报告, and the university’s accountability and compliance procedures. 职责还包括评估并向董事会报告与大学教学长期实施有关的企业风险, 研究, and service mission, including but not limited to risks regarding safety, preservation of property, University and Board policies, fiscal integrity, strategic plans, 以及大学的业务和事务的必要和适当的行为.
  3. Governance and Compensation
    1. 职责将包括一般治理政策和程序的建议, 理事会职员的提名及未来保管委员会及国家保管委员会候选人的推荐. At the last meeting in each fiscal year, 委员会应审查本章程,以确定是否有适当的更改,并应向校董会建议任何此类更改. 职责还包括协助并向董事会提出有关人力资源和高管薪酬计划以及高级领导职位战略的建议. 委员会还将就高管薪酬的有效性向联委会提出报告, 好处, performance management; and the Committee may further report to the Board on these issues as they relate to other University compensation and human resources plans.  委员会还负责监督附属实体.
  4. 资源, 设施 and Affordability
    1. Responsibilities will include financial operations; business, organization and practices; university advancement; relations with local, 状态, and federal legislative and administrative agencies; recommending of the schedule of tuition and fees; borrowing of funds (internal and external); naming, 位置, 规划, construction, and maintenance and renovation of University facilities and grounds; the purchase, sale and lease of lands and buildings; reviewing and monitoring of all investments including the endowment; contract oversight on public utilities and other large contracts; and recommending of investment policy, 就投资事宜及聘请投资顾问向董事会提供意见,以确保遵守经修订的守则第3345条.05. Responsibilities also include monitoring tuition, 状态 appropriations, 捐赠基金, and annual giving; and overseeing efforts to maintain the University’s fiscal strength in order to improve student affordability and the quality of education.

第二节. 执行委员会由校董会主席及副主席、大学学术及学生成功委员会主席组成, and the University 资源, 设施, 和负担能力委员会,并有广泛权力处理董事会主席和大学校长认为不需要立即引起整个董事会关注的重要事项. 执行委员会的所有行动均须经董事会批准, 除非董事会已授权执行委员会或总裁全权代表董事会行事.

第三节. 如董事会认为有需要,可由董事会主席委任特别委员会.

第四节. 董事会主席及主席应为所有常设委员会及特别委员会的当然无表决权成员.

第七条. Parliamentary Authority

第一节. When not in conflict with any of the provisions of these Bylaws, 新修订的《newbb电子平台》应规管委员会的议事程序.

Revision Dates

Revised October 8, 2021

Revised March 17, 2017

Revised August 27, 2015

Revised August 28, 2014

Revised April 19, 2013

Revised September 6, 2012

Revised April 24, 2011

Revised February 10, 2010

Revised January 23, 2009

Revised February 8, 2008

Revised December 17, 2004

Revised September 20, 2002

Revised June 23, 1990

Revised July 14, 1989